Weekly e news paper
Editor: Nagaraja.M.R.. Vol.17....Issue. 06...............07/02/2021
Dictatorship Vs Democracy
#farm laws #labor reforms
At the outset , we express our whole hearted respects to all
constitutional institutions & to the honest few in public
service. Contempt of constitutional institutions , citizens
of India is being made by the corrupt persons in constitutional
positions themselves. This is an appeal to the honest few in public service ,
constitutional positions , to bring their corrupt colleagues to book.
1. does the action of MPs , MLAs taking money / receiving
favors from vested interests , to formulate policy decisions , to raise
questions in parliament / legislative bodies or to abstain from
voting legal ?
2. why transparent , fair investigation is not done in
such cases ?
3. just remember , the vulgar acts of Mr.Bora
Babu Singh in state legislature & how
some MLAs vulgarly behaved with
Ms.Jayalalita in state legislature , years ago. Are these type of
vulgar actions by MPs & MLAs legal ? does not these constitute
contempt of the house by MPs & MLAs themselves ?
4. all the people’s representatives from panchayath member to
president of India must read ABCD Of Democracy provide
along with.since independence of India till date , MPs & MLAs are forcing
projects on people against the wishes of people , formulating policies against
the wishes of people. Are not such projects , government policies & Laws ,
undemocratic & illegal ?
5. is the election commission
of India verifying the authenticity of affidavits submitted by
electoral candidates ?
6. how many candidates have been caught so far for giving
false affidavits ? are all the violators prosecuted?
7. are the MPs , MLAs submitting their wealth details on
affidavits yearly to vigilance authorities ? defaulters , violators how many ?
8. what legal action taken against violators , defaulters
, for giving false affidavits ?
9. who is checking the authenticity of those affidavits
submitted by MPs , MLAs ?
10. the agricultural incomes of some MPs , MLAs , their
kih & kin raises even during the time of severe drought , floods , fall in
prices of agricultural products , their companies register increase in turnover
/ profits even during recession , the trusts / NGOs set up by them receive huge
donations. Are all these income legal ?
Editorial : A B
C D of Democracy – A Lesson for all people’s representatives
People are the kings , self rulers in a democracy
. Peoples representatives must just represent the wishes
, aspirations of people. Example : PEOPLE are
nothing but land owners , MPs , MLAs , people’s representatives are just GPA
Holders. The Electorate – Citizens of India are SUPREME than
Parliament , Ministers and all Other Institutions. When people in
Jaitapur , Maharashtra state of
India and People of Koodankulam , Tamilnadu are totally
against a nuke plant in their area and they don’t want it , still the authorities are forcing this
project over their head. Now farmers are
convinced new farm laws are detrimental to their survival, still government is forcing
it on them, why ? Industrial workers are
sure new labor laws will be death knell for their survival , still government
is forcing it on them. Why ? To benefit whom ? These type of dictatorial acts of governments ( irrespective of political parties in power ) since independence is ruining representative democratic governance in india.
Since 74 years of independence ,
In India the learned IAS babus & Netas are forcing their agendas
, SEZs , Projects over the people for their own selfish gains , against the
wishes of people. This is not DEMOCRACY.
In india, indirect democracy is the form of
governance. In this form, people's representatives are bound to raise the
questions , issues concerning their constituents on their behalf , on the floor
of the house. However the sad part in india even after 74 years
of democracy , is the lobbying is at it's peak. The lobbying is a gentleman's
white collared crook's way of forming favour seeker's group , creating a corpus
to pay lumpsum bribe & influencing decision making.
The people's representatives are bound to represent their people first , then their
party & party think tanks. India has come to this sorry state of
affairs , widespread corruption , huge black economy & rampant poverty, all
due to inefficient legislations & enforcements.
These think tanks & IAS lobby, consider themselves as most super brains on
earth & gives out suggestions . the present state of affairs is a barometer
of their brilliance. Take just one case for the brilliance of our
cabinet ministers & IAS babus , In India nearly 50 crore people
are barely surviving on a single piece meal per day , hundreds of people are
dying due to HUNGER & MALNUTRITION at one end at the other end
thousands of tonnes of food grains are rotting away ,
wasted in FCI Godowns (ie the food procured by the government)
, what brilliant ministers & IAS officers ? These think tanks
& IAS lobby are the hand maidens of lobbyists / bribers.
Now consider the following example :
Mr.raj gandhi is a member of parliament from mandya constituency in karnataka
state. He is a MBA graduate & member of ruling Indian progressive party.
The multinational giant M/S GREY HOUND CORPORATION wants to enter into paper
manufacturing business in india. It's sight falls on the public sector
paper giant mandya national paper mills (MNPM) in mandya district of karnataka.
The MNC effectively lobbies with the government. The ruling party think tank
& the cabinet advisory group recommends to the government to make strategic
disinvestment in the PSU M/S MNPM. They bring out graph with full power point
presentation stating that it is good for the company as well as the government.
The lobbyists follows it up with media reports on the positive aspect of
strategic disinvestment. A favourable impression is created in the minds of
literate public. The cabinet
committee okays it.
The " strategic dis investment issue " comes before the parliament
for legislation / approval. The ruling party issues a party whip to it's
members to vote in favour of dis investment. However M.P mr.raj gandhi who is
an MBA in his own wisdom also favours the dis investment. However ,most
importantly the constituents – people in mandya parliamentary constituency through protest
marches , mass post card campaigns lakhs in numbers expresses their
disagreement with the dis investment & urges their MP mr.gandhi to vote
against the disinvestment legislation.
On the D-day in parliament , mr. Raj gandhi as per his party whip & his own
wisdom votes in favour of strategic disinvestment legislation, much against the
wishes of his people , constituents & mis represents them in parliament.
the democracy has failed here. in This way democracy is being derailed since 62
years in india.
In democracy, party whip , MP or MLA's own wisdom / brilliance, think tank
& IAS lobby recommendations are all secondary , the constituent's of his
constituency , people's wishes aspirations are of primary importance &
supreme. What people need is a honest
representative, who simply delivers the people's aspirations on the floor of
the house back & forth , without superimposing it with his own ideas &
party ideas. For true democracy , the people's representatives must be true
Towards this end , the people must be educated about their democratic rights
& responsibilities. This is an appeal to the honest few in the parliament
& state legislatures to weed out their corrupt colleagues , lobbyists, to
uphold the dignity of the house & to install democracy in it's true form.
Jai Hind. Vande Mataram.
Your’s Sincerely,
Let the Legislators of states, members of parliament, High courts & Supreme
Court Judges & other constitutional functionaries answer the following
questions which are vital in a democracy.
1) What are the fundamental rights of a citizen guaranteed under the
constitution (Article 21) ?
2) What are the privileges conferred on legislators & parliamentarians by
the constitution of India?
a) Inside the House b) Outside the House
3) What are privileges conferred on constitutional functionaries, like
a) President of India b) Prime Minister of India
c) Chief Justice of India d) Chairman of NHRC
e) Central Vigilance Commissioners.
4) Are the privileges legal immunity conferred on above mentioned
constitutional functionaries ?
a) Cover all their official actions irrespective of merit.
b) Cover both their official & personal actions.
5) Are the privileges defined & codified ?
6) Are these privileges above freedom of the press ?
7) Are the liberty & fundamental rights of the citizens guaranteed by the
constitution, above the privileges of the constitutional functionaries or equal
or below ?
8) Can the Indian legislatures & parliament be equated to the House of
commons in England which is considered to be a superior court and court of
records ?
9) Can the division of powers, namely the legislature, the executive and the
Judiciary, be equated to the functioning of the House of commons and House of
Lords in England ?
10) Can a citizen be said to have committed breach of privilege of the House or
court and causing contempt of the house or court by raising the issues of
accountability of constitutional functionaries ?
11) Can a Legislature or Parliament enact a new law, to circumvent or to
nullify the Judicial orders with respect to wrongdoings by peoples
representatives & executive ? does not it amount to infringement of
Judicial powers & contempt of the court by the House.
12) Are the FUNDAMENTAL DUTIES of a citizen more important than constitutional
duties of a constitutional functionary or equal in importance to it ?
13) Can a constitutional functionary commit crimes, anti-national activities in
the name of constitutional duties, behind the legal veil of official's secret
act & go unaccountable for his actions and go unpunished by his legal
immunity privileges ?
14) Are the Legislators members of parliament, High court & Supreme court
Judges and other constitutional functionaries not willing to codify their
privileges for the reason that if codified their privileges would be curtailed
and their action would be subjected to legal scrutiny. ?
15) By votes of citizens Legislators and parliamentarians get seats in the
legislature and Parliament out of tax payer's money, they get their pay, perks
& lead 5-Star luxurious lifestyles. Hence whether a vote of a citizen is
above (More valid) or a seat of legislator or parliamentarian is above or more
valid in a democracy ?
16) Judges & Constitutional functionaries are indirectly appointed by
voters / tax payers. Out of tax payers money, they get their pay, perks &
lead 5-star luxurious lifestyles. Hence, whether the vote of a citizen,
fundamental duties of a tax payer is above (more valid) or a seat of judge /
constitutional functionary is above (more
valid) in a democracy ?
17) If there is a vacuum in the Legislature or parliament, who is to fill up
that vacuum till such time that the legislature or parliament acts provide a
solution by performing its role by enacting proper legislation to cover the
field (vacuum) ?
18) While it is an unhealthy practice for a Judge to claim to be a Judge in his
own cause, is it not worse for the members of the legislature and parliament to
be judges in their own cause ?
19) Are the Technicalities of the case more important to a judge or Justice to
a citizen, protection of fundamental rights of citizen.?
20) Why not the constitutional functionaries initiate suo moto action with
respect to numerous cases of injustices reported in Media ?
21) Why not the Judges admit various cases of Injustices affecting public, as
the Public Interest Litigation" ? In some cases, the Public or the person
representing them is unable to afford the high cost of the case. Why not free
legal aid is given ?.
22) What is the criteria for admitting a P.I.L. & giving free legal aid ?
23) Communication - free flow of information is the lifeline of a democracy.
Why the constitutional functionaries are not honouring the Right to Information
of Citizens ?
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