Wednesday, May 13, 2020

Vizag Industrial Accident

Daily e news paper
Editor: Nagaraja.M.R.. Vol.16.....Issue.42............14/05/2020

Visakhapatnam Accident: Time For Strict Action
 — by E A S Sarma


Shri C K Mishra
Ministry of Environment, Forests & Climate Change (MEFCC)
Govt of India
Dear Shri Mishra,
You are aware of the ghastly gas leak accident that took place at LG Polymers unit near Visakhapatnam in the early hours of 7-5-2020. Several persons in the vicinity of the accident site could not escape to safe places and got asphyxiated to death. Several others had to be hospitalised for serious health problems associated with their lungs, eyes, nose, skin etc. The impact of the toxic gases that got released from the accident site extended upto 5-10km from it. The disease burden caused by the accident will stay on for decades to come. In short, irrespective of the laws, the rules and the procedures in force, such an accident should shake the conscience of the nation and prompt those in authority to introspect and self-correct.
Initial reports suggest that the gases released in the accident predominantly comprise Styrene.
According to a study conducted by IIT, Mumbai (“Vizag gas leak: Styrene levels 2,500 times more on May 8: CSE Analysis” reported at, Styrene levels in the air at several locations around the accident site shot up by more than 2,500 times compared to the safety threshold. If this were to be taken as an accurate estimate, exposure to this of the population residing within 5-10km of the site would have resulted in both short-term and long-term disease burdens. It would result in ailments associated with the lungs, the kidneys, the eyes and so on. Styrene is known to cause cancer. Considering the known toxicity of Styrene, it would also result in stunting the affected children’s mental abilities. All these social costs far outweigh the perceived benefits of giving a red carpet treatment such industrial activity.
Your Ministry cannot afford to assume the role of a passive onlooker in the case of the accident at LG Polymers or any other similar accident. You may have unwittingly or otherwise breached the Constitutional obligation of the State to protect the human rights of the citizens by facilitating ex post facto approvals for such potentially dangerous industrial units to operate.
Article 48A of the Constitution requires your Ministry as well as the State to protect the environment. Article 21 obligates the government to protect the citizen’s right to life. Article 39 directs the government to ensure the citizen’s good health.
In pursuance of Article 48A, your Ministry had brought in the Environment (Protection) Act [EPA] and issued several rules and notifications from time to time. The central theme of this statutory framework is to ensure that no industrial project is undertaken without understanding its adverse impact on the environment, without understanding its implications for the people’s health and without taking into confidence those likely to be affected. That is the rationale underlying the concept of prior Environment Clearance (EC) being obtained by a project proponent. If an industrial project gets implemented without an environmental impact appraisal and without public consultation and if your Ministry becomes a rubber stamp to “regularise” such projects, it will defeat the purpose of Article 48A and EPA.
Over the years, in the absence of a firm commitment to the letter and the spirit of Article 48A, I am afraid that your Ministry has gradually transformed itself from an independent regulatory authority into a an agency that provides a regulatory garb to thousands of hazardous industries and polluting industries that endanger the people’s lives, damage the environment and affect the people’s health.
The LG Polymers accident represents the tip of the iceberg of what is going happen in the case of several thousands of industrial units handling hazardous chemicals, not subject to any worthwhile regulatory scrutiny, beyond public accountability and operating without any meaningful oversight and monitoring.
The notifications issued by your Ministry such as SO 804(E) dated 14-3-2017 and SO 1030(E) dated 8-3-2018 that granted the largesse of ex post facto approvals  “condoned” many errant units that preempted a stringent technical scrutiny, avoided a strict environment impact appraisal procedure and escaped a public consultation process. Had your Ministry respected the letter and the spirit of Article 48A of the Constitution and respected the Precautionary Principle in environmental jurisprudence, ghastly accidents such the one that disrupted the lives of lakhs of people around the industrial unit of LG Polymers would not take place.
We seem to have learnt very little from the Bhopal gas tragedy and I doubt whether we will draw any lessons from the latest Visakhapatnam disaster. In the ultimate analysis, it is the people who are forced to pay the price for the extra-ordinary affection displayed by the rules towards the larger businesses.
A time has come when your Ministry can no longer pretend that the changes being made in the environment impact assessment procedures would subserve the public interest.
I refer to the Draft Notification issued by your Ministry in March, 2020 proposing far reaching “simplifications” and paving the way for ex post facto approvals.
In this connection, I have extracted below an observation made by the Hon’ble Supreme Court on 1-4-2020 in Civil Appeal No. 1526 of 2016
“The concept of an ex post facto EC is in derogation of the fundamental principles of environmental jurisprudence and is an anathema to the EIA notification dated 27 January 1994. It is, as the judgment in Common Cause holds, detrimental to the environment and could lead to irreparable degradation. The reason why a retrospective EC or an ex post facto clearance is alien to environmental jurisprudence is that before the issuance of an EC, the statutory notification warrants a careful application of mind, besides a study into the likely consequences of a proposed activity on the environment. An EC can be issued only after various stages of the decision-making process have been completed. 
Requirements such as conducting a public hearing, screening, scoping and appraisal are components of the decision-making process which ensure that the likely impacts of the industrial activity or the expansion of an existing industrial activity are considered in the decision-making calculus. Allowing for an ex post facto clearance would essentially condone the operation of industrial activities without the grant of an EC. In the absence of an EC, there would be no conditions that would safeguard the environment. Moreover, if the EC was to be ultimately refused, irreparable harm would have been caused to the environment. In either view of the matter, environment law cannot countenance the notion of an ex post facto clearance. This would be contrary to both the precautionary principle as well as the need for sustainable development “
While an ex post facto approval may enhance the “ease of doing business” as it is fashionable to describe it these days, it is simultaneously encouraging industrial units which are unsafe, which pollute and which damage the people’s heath. I would therefore earnestly request you to revisit the need for issuing the Draft Notification of March, 2020. instead of diluting the environment laws and procedures, in the public interest, it is necessary to strengthen them and introduce a greater sense of public accountability in environmental regulation.
I understand that there are thousands of industrial units which have escaped environmental scrutiny and are awaiting the munificence of your Ministry to “regularise” their dangerous existence. If you grant ex post facto approval for such units, you will only be paving the way for more and more such units to come up, defying any kind of scrutiny and monitoring. Please move away from the repugnant idea of such approvals and introduce professional systems of prior environmental scrutiny.
I would also request your Ministry to identify all such units that handle hazardous substances and all such units that cause heavy pollution and close then down if they have failed to be in strict compliance with the environmental norms. If you take the public into confidence, it will become easy for you in the process of identifying those units because it is the local communities that bear the brunt of pollution and risk.
I hope you will take immediate action on this.
Yours sincerely,
E A S Sarma
Former Secretary to GOI

Editorial : Harshal Murdered by Industrial  Waste
GOI & SCI must provide justice to the  kid  Harshal murdered by Industrial  Waste in Mysuru. The case has been covered up. Read : 

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Crushing Labor Laws

Daily e news paper
Editor: Nagaraja.M.R.. Vol.16.....Issue.41............13/05/2020

Crushing Labor Laws
- Why  NOT  corporate accountability ?
Crushing Labour Laws Amidst Successive Industrial Accidents Is Serious Insult to Injury
State governments have undertaken a slew of labour law reforms that could lead to higher exposure to occupational health and safety risks and no appropriate protection for workers.
- Rahul Suresh Sapkal

Industrial accidents are far too common in India.
Two disastrous incidences of gas leakage at Visakhapatnam’s LG Polymers plant and a boiler blast at NCL India Limited’s thermal power station in Tamil Nadu evoked memories of several unfortunate industrial accidents that have taken hundreds of workers lives.
In last year, few reported industrial incidents such an explosion in a chemical factory in Maharashtra, a massive fire at the ONGC plant at Bombay High, a blast in NTPC’s Rae Bareli plant and Bawana industrial area in Delhi, attest to the fact that India’s industrial preventive measures and the safety inspection systems are inadequate and ineffective in ensuring the workers’ safety.
Even if it is just the industrial accidental tragedy with the significant toll that makes the headlines, its actual impact for making comprehensive occupational health and safety legislation seems to be a far-off prospect. In the time of a health crisis, the government adopted stringent measures not only to restrict the movement of people but also enforced a total shutdown of industrial factories – except those units producing essential commodities – and other working establishments to ensure physical distancing.
With this policy, India may be able to contain the virus; however, it could be a staggering task for the state to avert potential industrial accidents due to 42 days of a complete shutdown of factories and their operations that use synthetic inflammable substances and hazardous chemicals. For ensuring smooth production, the manufacturing units need to undertake routine maintenance tasks and those must be inspected by the Directorate General Factory Advice Service periodically.
However, owing to the higher overhead repairing costs, it is observed that Indian employers pay more attention to corrective maintenance (i.e. replacement of machinery when the complete breakdown occurs) relative to preventive maintenance where scheduled maintenance of machines and equipment is undertaken at regular intervals to avoid breakdowns.
Also read: Longer Working Hours, Employee Productivity and the COVID-19 Economic Slump
So in order to minimise the recurring costs, employers are engaging in risky behaviour by allowing workers to work in hazardous conditions. Therefore, on one hand, employers are reluctant to incur preventive maintenance costs to avoid additional overhead. On the other, the Indian labour administration is under tremendous pressure from the government’s pro-employer policies that are offering leeway to employers from regulatory controls.
In this case, neither the employers nor employees would be better off, as it will promote unhealthy competition among Indian firms and would eventually thrust out around 19.5 million of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises from the product market.
Labyrinth of India’s labour legislations 
The principle legislation of the Factories Act of 1948 ( the Act) governs the working conditions and safety measures for registered factory workers. Despite its vast volume, the existing legislation is applicable only to factories that employ ten or more workers; it covers only a small proportion of workers.
According to the Sixth Economic Census, 97.39 million (45%) work in establishments without any hired worker; whereas, 118 million (55%) of workers works in establishments with at least one hired worker. Broadly, the former category falls under the Shops and Establishment Act and later with the Factories Act.
Across the employment threshold sizes, 172 millions of workers (79.85%) works in the establishments that have less than nine workers and 20.1 million are employed in establishments which have more than 10 and less than 49 workers. Only 17.60 million (8%) work in establishments with more than 100 workers.

A migrant worker rides a cart with his family on a highway as they return to their villages, during a 21-day nationwide lockdown to limit the spreading of coronavirus disease (COVID-19), in Ghaziabad, on the outskirts of New Delhi, March 27, 2020. Photo: Reuters/Adnan Abidi/Files
As per the annual report of Directorate General Factory Advice Service, there are 31,602 factory units are registered under the hazardous industry category employing 1.97 million workers in 2013, which increased to 32,956 units employing 2.32 million in 2014 u/s 2(CB) of Factories Act, 1948. Due to its constricting legislative approach, 169.3 millions of workers who legally may not be working in the scheduled hazardous industries but are engaged in the hazardous process are absolutely excluded from the purview of occupational safety and health laws due to the employee threshold criteria of the Act.
Also read: Adityanath Govt in UP to Suspend Key Labour Laws, Workers’ Rights for Three Years
Industrial accidents and prevalence of fatality risk
The prevalence of industrial accidental deaths is notably high in the manufacturing industries. It will have a multiplier effect in exacerbating the risk when it is accompanied by the prolonged dysfunctional manufacturing processes and inadequate staff during the lockdown period.
Data from the Ministry of Labour and Employment also reveals that 3,562 workers lost their lives and around 51,124 were injured in factory accidents between 2014-16. These figures may have increased; however, the official statistics are yet to be updated for the last two years. According to the official figures of labour bureau the fatal accidental incidental rate per 1,000 workers was 0.53% (fatal) in 2013 which increased to 0.63% in 2014 for the factories registered under the Factories Act of 1948.
Similarly, the frequency rate for fatal accidents per lakh worker was 0.30% (in 2013) that increased to 0.43% point in 2014. Despite the increasing manufacturing and mining activities, regulatory authorities ensuring occupational safety have been limited to 1,400 safety officers, 1,154 factory inspectors, and 27 medical inspectors for the central sphere across all states. Therefore, the health hazard and fatality risk of working in Indian factories have increased tremendously and it could likely to continue unless a routine inspection and mandatory safety clearance are enforced effectively.
Turing a blind eyes
An uncertainly of livelihood, wage loss and layoffs would likely to linger much longer and will be persisted in the post-lockdown period. In these difficult times, many state governments have undertaken a slew of labour law reforms that potentially lead to higher exposure to occupational health and safety risks, no appropriate protection, and an increased likelihood that they will suffer from illness, accident or death.
For instance, Rajasthan, Gujarat, Punjab, Himachal Pradesh, Maharashtra, and Uttar Pradesh have amended the Factories Act that allows firms to extend a factory worker’s daily shift to 12 hours per day, from the existing eight hours per day to revive the economy. Excessive working hours have negative effects on workers’ health which leads to poor immunity and exposes them to a higher risk of industrial accidents.
Also read: Labour Law Reform: Was a Sledgehammer Needed When Employment Itself Is Uncertain?
Uttar Pradesh and Madhya Pradesh took a frog’s leap to exempts all from labour legislation for the next three years as a measure to revive the economy. This reform may further give reason to employers to circumvent essential labour laws but will cause them severe productivity losses. In a bid to accelerate the economic recovery, the state is externalising the cost of reform onto workers by waning out its own enforcement mechanism.
India’s efforts in encouraging occupational and industrial safety remain frail. The proposed Code in the de jure spirit obliges employers to provide for a risk-free workplace and instruct employees on safety protocol. It further assumes that all employers will self-enforce these Codes without any deterrence from enforcement authorities.
Existing evidence shows that if we allow self-enforcement of labour laws though nudging the behaviour of employers, then employers would likely engage in an opportunistic rent-seeking behaviour to maximize their own self-interests of profit. Hence, the behavioural altruism on the part of employers offers less credence in safeguarding the rights of workers.
Second, the labour inspectorate is entrusted with the power to inquire into accidents and conduct inspections and to frame penalties – both civil and criminal – on employers in case of non-adherence. However, in the proposed Code, the statutory powers of labour administration have been curtailed severely. It will be considered as inspector-cum-facilitators who initiate the legal proceedings but will not able to frame criminal penalties on employers.
Instead of protecting the workers, it is now redefined to protect the interest of employers. The code also restricts the appeal of a person aggrieved due to industrial accidents or industries or any employment-related causes thereof is to file a writ petition before the relevant high court. This may lead to the denial of access to justice to challenge issues before a lower court. As a result, there will be longer pendency of labour disputes and delayed justice to the aggrieved workers.
India’s jump from 130th (2016) to 63rd (2019) rank in the Ease of Doing Business (EDB) is boasted across all industries. Every year, whenever India tops the higher rank on EDB, our global ranking point estimate slips towards the bottom quartile in all global parameters such as hunger, peace, slavery, worst formed labour and workers’ rights indexes on the lowest scale.
To soothe the Centre, all states government are now engaged in a race to bottom to reform existing labour market institutions to encourage ease of doing business and to promote flexibility. Hence, the two unfortunate disastrous incidents that recently took place have propelled us to reimagine the future of Indian workers and industrial relation systems in the neoliberal order and the pandemic

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Monday, May 11, 2020

BPL CARD Golmaal


Daily e news paper
Editor: Nagaraja.M.R.. Vol.16.....Issue.40...........12/05/2020

Editorial :  Failure  to  feed  needy
- An appeal to Honourable Supreme Court of India

     At the outset  we salute  all health care workers , doctors , nurses and police  for ensuring  health care of all  and containing spread of Corona virus. Both central and state governments are putting their maximum efforts to feed the needy.  Please  read the  following  articles.
However  these efforts are getting derailed by  greedy people :
1. PDS shops are collecting money for ration. The weighment of ration provided is also less and all ration items are not given.
2. Government is disbursing relief aid based on BPL data. Most  of the BPL card holders  have got BPL card by their political connections and they are capable of feeding themselves. Still they are getting  reliefs from  government,  NGOs. Whereas  those who really need relief aid  don't  have BPL card  ( as they don't  have political connections ) and are denied  relief.
3. Government  is transferring  relief aid to Jan Dhan accounts. Here also many of the account holders are well off.

The intention of government is good. However  greed of man know  no bounds. There are people who have cars, rented out houses, lending money in lakhs  still they have BPL card , Jan Dhan account , old age pension and get all the benefits associated with it. They  have political connections.

These greedy fellows are literally  snatching away food meant for the needy. Hereby we request the honourable supreme court of india to order authorities :

1. To give relief aid to the needy  even if they don't  have BPL card , Jan Dhan account.
2. To  take action against  errant PDS shops.
3. To identify fake BPL card, Jan Dhan and old age pension  holders  and  recover   money from them.
4. To initiate criminal prosecution of public servants  who issued BPL cards , old age pension , Jan Dhan accounts  to  rich , unfit people.
5. We offer our conditional support  to  SCI  to  identify fake BPL card holders, fake old age pensioners, fake Jan Dhan account holders.
6. By denying  BPL card, Jan Dhan account , Old age pension to needy  whereas  giving the same to undeserving rich persons  concerned  public servants are  violating  “ Right  to  Life “ of  poor. 

If  SCI  doesn't  act now,  needy will starve to death  whereas greedy will snatch away  relief meant for needy. It is robbery of tax payers money. We request honourable  SCI to protect   poor people's  Right to  Life ie  right to food & medical aid. Jai Hind. Vande  Mataram.

Nagaraja Mysuru Raghupathi.

Edited, printed , published owned by NAGARAJA.M.R. @  # LIG-2   No  761,
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Sunday, May 10, 2020

Forgotten Industrial Tragedy

Daily e news paper 
Editor: Nagaraja.M.R.. Vol.16.....Issue.39.........11/05/2020

Forgotten  Industrial Tragedy of Mysuru 

PIL –  Young Boy  HARSHAL ’s  Death due to Industrial Waste
 editor SOS e Clarion of Dalit & SOS e Voice for Justice
# LIG 2 , No 761 ,, HUDCO First Stage , Laxmikantanagar ,
Hebbal , Mysore – 570017 , Karnataka State
District Pollution Control Board officer , Mysuru
Joint Director , Department of Industries , Mysuru
Joint Director , KIADB , Mysuru
Deputy Commissioner , Mysuru
& Others
 To ,
Hon'ble The Chief Justice of India and His Lordship's Companion
Justices of the Supreme Court of India.
The Humble petition of the   Petitioner above named.
1.     Facts of the case:
Young  boy  HARSHAL  died  by  burn injuries caused by industrial waste in mysuru , Karnataka.
During  planning of  Industrial Areas in Mysuru , waste dumping yards  were NOT  planned  suitably and  NOT  allocated   sufficient lands for the same , keeping in view  industrial requirements 20 years down the line.
It is like building a house without toilet.
It is criminal negligence of duty by KIADB , Industries department officials  who planned and approved  development  of these industrial sites.
It is criminal negligence of duty by  District Industries department   who gave  license  to these industries in the beginning without physically verifying  about  the waste disposal  methods of these industries.
It is criminal negligence of duty by Karnataka state pollution control board officials  who gave No Objection Certificate to these industries in the beginning without physically verifying  about  the waste disposal  methods of these industries.
 It is criminal negligence of duty by Karnataka state pollution control board officials , District Industries department officials  who  are  renewing   License /  No Objection Certificate to these industries  annually ,  without physically verifying  about  the waste disposal  methods of these industries.
It is criminal negligence of duty by Deputy  Commissioner ,  Mysuru District  to  ensure  adherence  to law by  other department officials.
It is criminal negligence of duty , violation of law , CRIMES  by  responsible Executives  / Owners  of the industries who are  dumping these industrial wastes in a  hush hush manner.
Read  details at following websites :    ,   ,
2. Question(s) of Law:
Is  commonman’s   life  so  cheap ,  dispensable ?  If so , why cann’t you  dispense off with the lives of  children  of  PCB , KIADB  officials , Industrialists  ? Are not officials  , Industrialists  accountable for this criminal act of negligence ?
3. Grounds:
Requests for equitable justice , Prosecution of  guilty officials ,  Responsible Industry owners.
 4. Averment:
Hereby , I do request the honorable supreme court of India to consider this as a PIL for : “writ of Mandamus” and to issue instructions to the concerned public servants in the  present case, to perform their duties  & to  avert further  loss of lives.
In the above premises, it is prayed that this Hon'ble Court may be pleased:
1.     To  order  for   fencing of the  whole area , where  industrial  waste is dumped causing  fire.
2.     To   order  for   24 X 7 police vigil  preventing any tress passers.
3.     To   order  for  supreme court monitored  enquiry , as the industrialists  are high & mighty and may manipulate the  samples itself.
4.     To immediately  order district administration  not to   go ahead  with  spraying other chemicals over the dumping yard  to neutralize the waste chemicals.  As it will alter the samples  and  criminals , guilty industrialists  will  escape.
5.     To  order for sample collection by multiple bodies , NGOs  , so that nobody can manipulate the samples.
6.     After  sample analysis by supreme court empanelled experts ,  based on expert advice steps to diffuse  chemical waste must be taken.
7.     To initiate criminal  prosecution against public  officials  who planned , approved these  industrial area without provision for suitable waste dumping yard.
8.     To order for  criminal prosecution against  guilty industrialists.
9.     To order for criminal prosecution against  KSPCB , KIADB , Industries department officials who gave NOC , renewing licenses every year  to these guilty industries.
10.  To order  Government of Karnataka , to pay two  crores compensation to  deceased boy Harsha’s family  immediately  and  to recover  it from the guilty industrialist.
11.  To treat this as a PIL and to issue writ of mandamus to concerned officials in the current case.
Dated :  19.04.2017……… ………………….FILED BY: NAGARAJA.M.R.
 Place :  Mysuru , India…………………….   PETITIONER-IN-PERSON
Shocking but true! Mysuru has no place for dumping industrial waste

Truth is like a bitter pill. It is tough to swallow. Mysuru, which has bagged the ‘Cleanest city’ award for two consecutive years, does not have an exclusive place for dumping industrial waste. Shocking but it’s true!
The industrial area in the Mysuru district does not have any specific place to dump the industrial waste or hazardous waste. As soon as the news of a 14-year-old boy Harshal, who succumbed with severe burns after stepping in to an open site at Sadanahalli, came to light, localites alleged that the boy may have died when he stepped in to the chemical and hazardous wastes that were dumped illegally in the open place.
City Today went on a reality check to identify where the chemical and industrial wastes are dumped in the city. We found that there is not even a single dumping yard or industrial waste disposal unit across the district.
There are over 11 industrial areas including Hebbal, Metagalli, Koorgalli, Belavadi and nearly 32,000 industries in the district but most of these industries do not have an earmarked place for dumping industrial wastes. Though there is a rule from the KIADB which states that at least 20 acres of land in all industrial area must be reserved for disposal of Hazardous waste, the concerned officials in the district have failed to act.
For more than a decade, Mysore industries Association (MIA) has been battling to bring a dumping yard in the district. In 2007, the MIA requested the KIADB to allot land to set up a waste disposal unit. However, in the year 2009, the state government allotted three acres of land near Koorgalli Industrial area and decided to grant the maintenance responsibility to MIA. But later, the KIADB handed over only part of the land from the allotted property. Realising the fact that the industrial waste can’t be disposed in the partial land, MIA requested the KIADB to at least provide 5 acre of land and the officials agreed orally. But nothing has happened so far.
Speaking to City Today, Secretary of MIA, Suresh Kumar Jain said, “There is no dumping yard or an industrial waste disposal unit in the district. Though we have met and discussed with the concerned officials to sanction a suitable place, the proposal is still in papers and hasn’t come in to force.”
“The issue was brought to the notice during single window meetings but no proper action has taken place till now,” he added.
Last year, Mysuru’s waste management scored over Chandigarh to clinch cleanest city title. It is high time for concerned officials to allot an exclusive place for dumping industrial waste in the district keeping health hazards in mind.

Mysuru: Boy's death - did currency note printing chemical wreak havoc?

Mysuru, Apr 18: It has been confirmed that waste containing water sensitive chemicals had claimed the life of a boy at Naganalli in the outskirts of the city.
A team of experts, led by the district administration, which collected samples of sand from the area, has sent them for laboratory testing. The team found that the temperature of sand at the spot, which is finer as compared to sand found in other areas in the village, has brown and grey hues. Temperature at the spot stands at 110 degree Celsius, which is quite high. Chairman of Karnataka State Pollution Control Board, Laxman, said that four samples from the spot and five from other areas around it have been collected and sent for testing. Geologists and environment pollution officials were among those who visited the area.


Some villagers have complained that discharge of poisonous chemicals by some factories located near this area has caused this catastrophe. Former chief minister of the state, H D Kumaraswamy, relying on certain sources, has placed the blame on the government mint in the city for the tragedy, duly accusing it of disposing off printing chemical waste at the spot. Secretary of Mysore Industries Association, Suresh Kumar Jain, also has supported this notion. He has alleged that the association had complained about the unscientific disposal of printing chemicals by Reserve Bank of India about five years back and that the Reserve Bank neither took steps to correct its mistakes nor did it establish waste processing plant.
Some scientists attribute this phenomenon to the presence of chemicals like Phosphorous and Sodium Hydrate. There have also been chances of graphite and lead having caused the death. The experts hope to receive test reports in about two weeks time. Senior environmental officer in Karnataka State Pollution Control Board here, K M Lingaraju, said that the officials were dumbstruck about the cause of fire in an open field where garbage or chemical were not found to have been strewn around. He also added that the place is far away from proper roads and that no tyre marks were found around the area.
In the meanwhile, district in-charge minister, H C Mahadevappa, announced an ex gratia of two lac rupees to the family of Harshal (14), who died of burns during his visit to the open field for defecation on Sunday. As Manoj (17) suffered burns after sitting on a heap of sand, Harshal, who had accompanied him, had pulled Manoj out. During this effort, Harshal reportedly fell into the heap and suffered severe burns.
Harshal's father, Murthy, who held the factories located around the area responsible for the death of his son, also criticized the officials for not doing their duty of taking steps against the guilty promptly. He wants the officials to at least wake up now to the danger posed by chemical waste and take preventive measures before the waste causes further devastation.

NSG   Team  in  Belavatha - Radio Active Waste ?  

Edited, printed , published owned by NAGARAJA.M.R. @  # LIG-2   No  761,
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Bhopal Gas Tragedy

Daily  e news paper
Editor: Nagaraja.M.R.. Vol.16.....Issue.38.........10/05/2020
Read :                                                                                                                              
Editorial : BHOPAL GAS  VERDICT FIXED -  Shame Shame to Supreme Court of India & Supreme Court of  USA 

Now  it is a known fact that Bhopal  Gas Leak Case Verdict was FIXED years before ,  MATCH FIXED  by then MP Government Chief Minister , Indian Prime Minister and most shame fully Chief Justice of India.
Now The Final Verdict is out in Bhopal Gas Tragedy . This kind of Injustice can only happen in banana republics , where rich crooks are protected by authorities & courts. SHAME SHAME to supreme court of India , supreme court of USA & Government of USA , for practicing double standards in enforcement of law & justice.
Double standards of supreme court of India
PIL Appeal & Show Cause Notice to Supreme Court of India 
In India, Favorable treatment is given by police & courts of law for rich crooks where as poor innocents are harassed , tortured by the very same police & judges . In india Some MP , MLAs even take money for asking questions in parliament / legislature , Favourable laws are enacted to legalize crimes of rich crooks  for example : Illegal land encroachments by rich crooks. The same MPs , MLAs are not aware about problems of poor public , they don’t even open their mouth for asking questions on welfare of poor , let alone enact laws for welfare of poor. No government law , no decisions of judges , no orders of public servants are sacrosanct . Hereby , e-voice urges the supreme court of india ,
1.       To legally prosecute the jurisdictional  police who changed the charge sheet , who let out  Main criminal Anderson illegally without orders from the  court.
2.       To legally prosecute the SSP , DC of the district , Then Chief Minister of Madhya Pradesh & Then Prime Minister of GOI , who fully aided the main accussed , criminal Anderson to escape , to jump law.
3.       To legally prosecute Indian Public Servants , who were responsible for withdrawing the case from US Courts of Justice.
4.       To legally prosecute Then Chief Justice of India Justice Ahmadi & His bench colleagues , who diluted the case by changing the clause under which  Anderson & others were charged.
The Public servants – Mps , MLAs , Judges , IAS / IPS officers  , Police  take thousands of rupees monthly salary , cars , bungalows , 5-star hotel stay together with 5-star meal complete with alchoholic drinks , 5-star health care at premium hospitals , business class air travel , foreign tours , etc all at tax payer’s expense. After enjoying to the hilt at taxpayer’s expense  , these same public servants don’t serve the public , they serve the rich crooks , anti nationals in their greed for more money.
All the while the same poor tax payer suffers without justice . In India more than 50 Crore people are barely surviving on a single piece meal .Let the corrupt public servants eat their 5-star meals by the side of the graves of Bhopal Gas Victims. Atleast this will open the eyes of honest few in public service – police , judiciary & parliament , it is a fond hope. Jai Hind. Vande Mataram.
Your’s sincerely,

Edited, printed , published owned by NAGARAJA.M.R. @  # LIG-2   No  761,
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Mega Fraud by GOI

Bi – weekly
Editor: Nagaraja.M.R.. Vol.16.....Issue.37.........07/05/2020

-         An appeal to Honourable Supreme Court of India 

As per Reserve Bank of India data on global operations, public sector banks have written off, including compromise, an amount of Rs 241,911 crore from 2014-15 till September 2017

between 2009-2010 and 2013-2014, under the UPA rule lead by Congress, scheduled commercial banks had written off Rs.1,45,226 crores worth of loans.

in an RTI reply by the Reserve Bank of India that the Modi government had written off bank defaults of Rs 68,607 crore 

India has become an IT power , taken giant strides in the field of 
science & technology. More & more MNCs are investing in India. However 
due to our skewed , corrupt economic system , lack of accountability 
on the part of corporates & public servants – a wide chasm has been 
created between the ultra rich & the poor , the fruits of development 
has all been usurped by the rich & mighty. This is the basic reason 
for growth of black economy , growth of  naxalism , terrorism & 
underworld in India. As per a recent study by UN organization , 
majority of Indians ie more than 50 crore Indians are barely 
sustaining on Rs.13 per day earnings , a whole family depends upon Rs. 
13 , they are struggling to get just single meal per day. People are 
starving to death , farmers are committing suicides , people are 
selling their own children for a bag of grains. Whereas , corporate 
biggies , public servants are leading luxurious lifestyles , having 
big parties full of  drinks , non-veg foods not at their papaa's 
expense but at the expense of public exchequer , out of the tax dues , 
loan repayments cheated to the public exchequer. 
The banks insist on matching collateral security  even for self 
employment / educational loans by poor for an amount of Rs.5000. if 
the loans are not paid in time , rowdies / recovery agents are sent by 
banks to collect the amount by muscle power. As a final step , banks 
auction-off properties of collateral security to recover it's dues. 
Even, the tax authorities mercilessly extract tax dues to the last 
penny from the middle class. 
The same banks, overestimate the project cost of corporates , 
overestimate the project feasibility & it's worth and coolly extend 
hundreds of crores of rupees loans without matching collateral 
security. The banks extend overdraft facilities without matching 
collateral securities , to these corporates. When loans are not 
repaid, no rowdies are sent by banks. The promoters , directors of 
such tainted corporates drain – off the companies resources cunningly 
through insider trading , finally making the company sick. Such 
companies don't pay taxes , electricity bills , water bills , etc 
properly to respective authorities. The authorities are deaf , dumb & 
blind to all these actions of  such corporates. At the end , banks 
write-off such loans as non performing assets (NPA) & file case before 
courts for recovery of dues. Even if the properties of collateral 
security are auctioned-off  dues cann't be fully realized. Finally 
public money is swindled . ALL THIS IS POSSIBLE  DUE TO THE CONNIVANCE 
TO HONEST CORPORATES. How to stop this ? by making corporate 
accountability ,accountability of bank , tax officials more stringent 
with penal provisions . afterall , they are playing with public money 
not their papa's property. 
Already , by the connivance of public servants , bank , tax officials 
we have witnessed many scams like harshad Mehta , ketan parekh , 
hawala , etc and  more than Rs. 2000000 crore NPAs are on the books of 
the banks. Now, the government of India is planning to waive-off tax 
arrears of corporates to the tune of Rs.85000 crore , why ? read 
vijaya Karnataka kannada daily dated 04th January 2007. just look at 
this in the backdrop of "QUESTIONS FOR MONEY BY SOME MPs" and "MP 
government is always unresponsive , careless towards  the sufferings 
of poor , however it is always on toes to help out corporates that too 
criminal ones but not honest corporates. Why ? 
HRW has extended it's services to GOI months back itself , to 
apprehend tax thieves , till date there is no reply from GOI , why ? 
Hereby , E-VOICE OF HRW requests the Honourable Supreme Court of India 
to order GOI , 
1.      to make necessary amendments to companies act , to make the 
promoters , directors of the corporates personally accountable for all 
their actions. 
2.      to constitute committees consisting of public persons with powers 
to scrutinize & verify all the actions of corporates for insider 
trading  like – selling products , materials  , shares to their sister 
concerns at discounted prices  or buying products , materials  , 
shares from their sister concerns at inflated prices or  lending loans 
at discount rates to their sister concerns or taking loans from their 
sister concerns at high rate of interest or loaning materials , 
machines to their sister concerns , etc. 
3.      to constitute committees consisting of public persons , to 
scrutinize & verify the annual personal tax returns filed by key bank 
officials & tax officials , who have amassed riches & leading 
luxurious life styles much beyond the scope of their legal known 
sources of income. 
4.      to recover all tax dues , loan dues , etc from the corporates from 
the personal properties , wealth of promoters , directors of such 
5.      to put behind bar the key bank officials who have helped the 
corporates in swindling public money by overestimating project 
viability , worth and by overlooking the insider trading of promoters 
and still extending loans to them. 
6.      to put behind bars tax officials who have helped such corporates 
in  swindling public money. 
7.      to take all the necessary help from public like as services 
extended by HRW in apprehending tax thieves. 
8.      to recover & protect public money at any cost. 
9.      to confiscate all money , properties possessed by directors of such 
criminal corporates  & properties of corrupt bank , tax officials , 
public servants. 
10.     to declare illegal black money kept by corporate criminals , 
politicians , etc in the banks of tax haven countries like Trinidad , 
Mauritius , Switzerland , etc as national property of India , as 
public property of government of India & to secure that money to 
Indian exchequer. 

Mega fraud by GOI 

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Sunday, May 3, 2020

Press Silencing


Bi – weekly
Editor: Nagaraja.M.R.. Vol.16.....Issue.36.........03/05/2020


"Neither the chains of dictatorship nor the fetters of oppression can keep down the forces of freedom for long" - Angela Merkel

World  Press Freedom  Day 2020

It is a shame to Indian government & society as a whole, that  India’s press freedom global ranking has slipped to 142 out of 180 countries.  Journalists,  RTI & Human Rights activists are frequently killed , murdered  to cover up corruption, crimes in india. In addition journalists , RTI  & Human rights  activists are silenced by physical assaults,  threats , etc.
It is time of  introspection for government and society.  If  GOI is  sincere in duties , let it answer following  questions  which public servants are NOT answering since years.

Jai Hind. Vande Mataram.

Your's  Sincerely, 
NAGARAJA Mysuru Raghupathi

Legal Notice to Honourable Chief Justice of India , Honourable  Chairman  National Human  Rights commission  New Delhi.

Honourable Chief Justice of India,
New Delhi.

Honourable Sir ,

Subject : Legal Notice to Chief Justice of India

Are Judges , Police PERFECT ? Satya Harishchandra ?

         Hereby , I challenge Chief Justice of India in the exercise of my FUNDAMENTAL DUTIES as a citizen of india , that subject to conditions I will legally prove the crimes of few judges , police , public servants within the government service and other criminals. Is the CJI ready to book those criminals , traitors , anti nationals ?

Since 25 years I am appealing to apex court for justice concerning various public issues , no justice in sight but injustices meted out one after another. But the same judges are SHAMELESSLY taking huge pay perks for years. Parasites feeding on Indian Public. Whenever questions of accountability are asked judges level contempt charges against the questioner or police fix him in fake cases or he is silenced by threats , murders , denial of jobs , etc. Since 25 years in many ways they are trying to silence me. Just take the recent example of Justice Karnan who leveled  corruption charges against specific judges with CJI. Instead of conducting a fair investigation into the matter , CJI tried to silence him by serving him contempt notice.
Take very recent example of   complaint by woman staff  of Supreme  Court  of  India    against  CJI  Ranjan Gogoi  involving  sexual harassment  charges. Instead of  registering complaint against  CJI  and  conducting fair transparent investigations,  trial ,  everything was covered up in a super fast manner. Complainant and her family were victimized. Delhi police who exhibit their strength before commoners , innocents became weak , meek , big zeroes before gogoi. Shame shame.

 Our Judges , Police are NOT Perfect Not Satya Harischandras . There are criminals as well as honest people side by side in judiciary & police. We whole heartedly respect honest few in judiciary , police & public service. But we detest corrupt judges , corrupt police. Honest Judges & Police are not coming into open to prosecute their corrupt colleagues, why ? silenced ?

Criminalization of all wings of government has taken place , unfit people are in the positions of power. Corruption in judiciary , police , CBI , CVC , Public service is rampant. Now MAFIA is at work. Only few scandals , scams become public , many are buried. If one criminal public servant is caught other public servant who is also a criminal conducts name sake investigation , gives report , clean chit. Law courts rely on the government reports as evidences , courts are not bothered about credibility of reports or investigations. It is quid pro quo. Therefore technically criminal public servants are never proved for their crimes & convicted , as investigation itself is not fair.

A Crime may happen without the knowledge of police but cann’t continue for years without the connivance of police. A Crime reported to court cann’t continue for years without connivance of judges.

At the bottom of the paper , I have given web sites about few ACB raids on government officials and unearthing of crores worth property. How they have earned it , by misusing their official positions. Therefore government reports , records prepared by these officials , investigations conducted by corrupt police are suspect. But Law courts in various cases , considers government reports , records , statements of government officials as sacrosanct . Therefore in many cases injustice is meted out by court , as they depend on reports of corrupt government officials , corrupt police.
The public servants & the government must be role models in law abiding acts , for others to emulate & follow. if a student makes a mistake it is excusable & can be corrected by the teacher. if the teacher himself makes a mistake , all his students will do the same mistake. if a thief steals , he can be caught , legally punished & reformed . if a police himself commits crime , many thieves go scot-free under his patronage. even if a police , public servant commits a crime , he can be legally prosecuted & justice can be sought by the aggrieved. just think , if a judge himself that too of apex court of the land himself commits crime – violations of RTI Act , constitutional rights & human rights of public and obstructs the public from performing their constitutional fundamental duties , what happens ?

“Power will go to the hands of rascals, , rogues and freebooters. All Indian leaders will be of low calibre and men of straw. They will have sweet tongues and silly hearts. They will fight among themselves for power and will be lost in political squabbles . A day would come when even air & water will be taxed.” Sir Winston made this statement in the House of Commons just before the independence of India & Pakistan. Sadly , the forewarning of Late Winston Churchill has been proved right by some of our criminal , corrupt people’s representatives , police , public servants & Judges.

I don’t know whether secretariat staff of CJI office & DARPG / DPG officials are forwarding my appeals for justice , e-mails to you or not. They will be held accountable for their lapses if any. This notice is against the repeated failure of constitutional duties & indirect collusion with criminals by previous CHIEF JUSTICEs OF INDIA. Notice is served against them , to the office of CJI , NOT personally against you.

Please refer my appeal for justice through DARPG ;
In india democracy is a farce , freedom a mirage. the most basic freedom RIGHT TO INFORMATION & EXPRESSION , is not honoured by the government,as the information opens up the crimes of V.V.I.Ps & leads to their ill-gotten wealth. The public servants are least bothered about the lives of people or justice to them. these type of fat cats , parasites are a drain on the public exchequer . these people want ,wish me to see dead , wish to see HUMAN RIGHTS WATCH closed . so that, a voice against injustices is silenced forever , the crimes of V.V.I.Ps closed , buried forever.
To my numerous appeals , HRW’s appeals to you ,you have not yet replied. It clearly shows that you are least bothered about the lives of people or justice to them .it proves that you are hell bent to protect the criminals at any cost. you are just pressurising the police to enquire me ,to take my statement, to repeatedly call me to police station all with a view to silence me.all of you enjoy “legal immunity privileges” ,why don’t you have given powers to the police / investigating officer to summon all of you for enquiry ?or else why don’t all of you are not appearing before the police voluntarily for enquiry ?at the least why don’t all of you are not sending your statement about the case to the police either through legal counsel or through post? you are aiding criminals ,by denying me job oppurtunities in R.B.I CURRENCY NOTE PRESS mysore , city civil court ,bangalore , distict court , mysore ,etc & by illegally closing my newspaper. Even Press accreditation to me as a web journalist is denied till date. there is a gross, total mismatch between your actions and your oath of office. this amounts to public cheating & moral turpitude on your part. are making contempt of the very august office you hold. are making contempt of the constitution of india. are making contempt of citizens of india. are sponsoring & aiding terorrism & organized crime. are violating the fundamental & human rights of the citizens of india and of neighbouring countries. are violating & making contempt of the U.N HUMAN RIGHTS CHARTER to which india is a signatory. are obstructing me from performing my fundamental duties as a citizen of india.
8. As a result of your gross negligence of constitutional duties you have caused me damages / losses to the tune of RUPEES TWO CRORE ONLY.
9. You are responsible for crime cover ups mentioned in my RTI Appeals , PILs and continuation of those crimes unabated.
10. You are responsible for denial of information, which vindicates the crimes of powers that be.
11. You are responsible for physical assaults , murder attempts on me.
12. You are responsible for job denials to me at NIE , PES Engineering college , RBI Press , Mysore , Bangalore Courts.
13. You are responsible for my illegal retrenchment from RPG Cables , denial of medical care to me towards occupational health problems.
14. You are responsible for denying me legal aid.
15. You are responsible for illegal closure of my news paper.
16. You are responsible for denial of press accreditation to me as a web journalist till date.
17. You are responsible for repeatedly passing on my appeals to police. So that they can take statements , close the file under the threat of police power.
18. You have violated my Human Rights & Fundamental Rights.
19. In terms of Integrity , Honesty You & other public servants are nowhere near Baba Saheb B R Ambedkar , Mahatma Gandhi & Satya Harishchandra . Many Public servants are UNFIT to be in their posts.
You are hereby called upon to Pay damages to me and SHOW-CAUSE within 30 days , why you cann’t be legally prosecuted for the above mentioned crimes . If you don’t answer it will be admission of the charges by you. It will amount to confession of crimes on your own.
If i am repeatedly called to police station or else where for the sake of investigations , the losses i do incurr as a result like loss of wages , transportation , job , etc must be borne by the government. prevoiusly the police / IB personnel repeatedly called me the complainant (sufferer of injustices) to police station for questioning , but never called the guilty culprits even once to police station for questioning , as the culprits are high & mighty . this type of one sided questioning must not be done by police or investigating agencies . if anything untoward happens to me or to my family members like loss of job , meeting with hit & run accidents , loss of lives , etc , the jurisdictional police together with above mentioned accussed public servants , Chief Justice of India & Jurisdictional District Magistrate will be responsible for it. Even if criminal nexus levels fake charges , police file fake cases against me or my dependents to silence me , this complaint is & will be effective.
if anything untoward happens to me or my dependents , the government of india is liable to pay Rs. TWO crore as compensation to survivors of my family. if my whole family is eliminated by the criminal nexus ,then that compensation money must be donated to Indian Army Welfare Fund. afterwards , the money must be recovered by GOI as land arrears from the salary , pension , property , etc of guilty judges , police officials , public servants & Constitutional fuctionaries.

Thanking you. Jai Hind , Vande Mataram.

Send reply to :
Nagaraja Mysuru Raghupathi
Editor ,  DALIT  ONLINE ,
LIG 2 , NO 761 , HUDCO First Stage,
Laxmikantanagar , Hebbal ,
Mysuru – 570017.

Date : 18.03.2020……………..your’s sincerely,
Place : Mysuru , India ……….Nagaraja Mysuru Raghupathi

Judges & Sex Crimes , 

Rogue Police  and Judges   ,

Notice to Chief Justice of India  ,

Crimes by Khaki ,

FIRST Answer Judges Police   ,

Edited, printed , published owned by NAGARAJA.M.R. @  # LIG-2   No  761,
,MYSURU – 570017  KARNATAKA  INDIA     Cell : 91 8970318202
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